Ethics Statement

The Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) is dedicated to improving service and promoting excellence in the mystery shopping industry. A fundamental aim of the Association is to ensure that standards are maintained. To improve the value, reputation and stimulate the use of mystery shopping services, it is important that information about mystery shopping services is accurately communicated to both the business community and the public at large, while complying with applicable government laws, regulations and ordinances.

MSPA expects members to follow principles of honesty, professionalism, fairness and confidentiality to guard the interests of the public and our clients in order to promote good business practices.

The Mystery Shopping Providers Association�s Code of Professional Standards is established to ensure that MSPA members conform to the following principles:

In addition, we agree to the following Rules of Ethical Conduct in that we will not:

If, after a thorough investigation, a member is found to be in violation with our Rules of Conduct, membership in our Association may be withdrawn or other disciplinary action may be taken.

This agreement must be adhered to by each member of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association as well as employees of members.

By signing below, I indicate that I have read, understand, and agree to follow the principles of honesty, professionalism, fairness, and confidentiality that are outlined in this agreement.

I further understand that not conforming to this agreement may result in termination of my membership in MSPA.

Signature: ___________________________________ Date:___________________