Technical Certification Questions
How do I change my e-mail address?
What do I do if my certificate will not print?
My computer timed out when I was in the process of taking my test, what do I do?
I forgot my certification number.
I've lost all information regarding my Silver Certification. How do I find my certificate number?
I never set a password or security questions. Where can I do this?
I�ve tried to update the system with my Silver Certificate number and it will not accept it. What can I do?
After paying my test fee, I attempted to go on and take the test, but I was knocked off when I hit the �Continue� button.
Other Questions
How do I change my e-mail address?
As an MSPA certified shopper, you were issued a certification code that corresponds with your email address.
To prevent the theft of your certification status, we will automatically remove certification status from your account when your email address is changed.
To obtain your new code, login at
- Login with the email address and password you set when you signed up for certification.
- If you have forgotten your password, click "Forgot your password?" to have your password e-mailed to you.
- After answering the two security questions you chose, your e-mail address will be changed and you will be issued new codes for the certification levels you have reached.
This code should be entered on all of your accounts on your system using your new email address.
There is no additional charge for receiving this new code, but your previous certification code will become deactivated and invalid.
What do I do if my certificate will not print?
You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view your certificate. The program is free and can be downloaded here.Your certificate should print on almost all printers but it can make a difference based on how your printer is set up. Note � you do not need your certificate, you only really need your certification number which is on the Congratulations page before you are given a print option. If you would like to print out your certificate in the future, you can do so by logging in at with the login information you set when you first took the test (there is a password reminder form there as well in case you have forgotten it!) (Back to top)
My computer timed out when I was in the process of taking my test, what do I do?
You can login to the test again by going to, and logging in with the information you set when you first registered. (There is also a link for a password reminder on that page in case you have forgotten it). Logging back into the test will bring you to the point you left off without incurring any extra charges. (Back to top)
I forgot my certification number.
You can login anytime at to retreive your codes. Use the login information you set when you signed up to log back in. (Back to top)
I've lost all information regarding my Silver Certification. How do I find my certificate number?
Go to and login with the information you set when you first signed up. If you can't remember your password, click "Forgot your password?" on that page, and your password will be e-mailed to you. Once you login, you can view your certification codes, download your certificates, update your email address, or change your password. (Back to top)
I never set a password or security questions. Where can I do this?
Go to and enter your e-mail address. A password will be e-mailed to you, along with instructions for setting up your security questions.(Back to top)
I've tried to update the system with my Silver Certificate number and it will not accept it. What can I do?
Please note that you MUST type the certification number exactly and you must also use the same e-mail address in the system that you used to take the test. If the information is not the same, the system will not confirm your certification. (Back to top)
After paying my test fee, I attempted to go on and take the test, but I was knocked off when I hit the "Continue" button.
Follow the instructions in the e-mail you were sent when you registered to log back into the test. You can login anytime at (Back to top)
Other Questions
If you have any other technical problems, please e-mail us at [email protected] and we will send your note to the programmers. (Back to top)